About Us

What can we do for you!
We are a team of highly experienced doulas that provide education, emotional and/or physical support in a non-judgmental manner to women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Blissful Baby Doula Services is a family run practice. We understand it’s a big decision to bring a stranger to your home. That’s why we are committed to know our doulas and have strong personal bonds that include loyalty, privacy and trust!
Our Doulas have been trained thru DONA International, Let us help you find the perfect Doula that best fits your families needs. Whether your breastfeeding or bottle feeding, co-sleep or sleeping thru the night we respect your ideals and are more than happy to support you!
We are passionate in our work and believe that by supporting and guiding families through this intimate and transformative time in their lives; they will become empowered, trust their instincts and thrive!
When you have one of our doulas you can rest assure we will be there from the day you hire us. Every pregnancy is different and it is our job to support your unique journey to motherhood. We can answer most any and all questions you may have regarding pregnancy, labor, and postpartum concerns. Below are list of questions and worries most mothers to be encounter.
Labor Concerns
Did my water break?
Mucus Plug
What is it?
How do I know if I've passed it?
When should it come out?
Bowel movement while in labor
How do I know I'm in labor?
Birth Intervention
Coping Techniques
When to go to the hospital?
Natural Birth/ Epidural
Postpartum Concerns
Baby Blues / Postpartum Depression
How do I cope?
Milk Supply
Bottle Feeding
Breast Milk
Postpartum Recovery
Vaginal Birth
Newborn Care
Umbilical Care
Baby Hygiene
Sleep Deprivation
Partner Support
Pregnancy Concerns
Weight Gain
Cervical Polyp
Diet & Exercise
​What can't I eat?
Mood Swings
Sex while pregnant
Body Aches & or Breast engorgement
Coping with Nausea
What are Braxton Hicks?